Professor Michael Chapman AM is one of Australia’s most highly profiled and respected fertility specialists.
He is a busy clinician who has personally been involved in fertility care resulting in over 3500 pregnancies. His academic position enables him to be at the forefront of new advances in treatment which he applies in his practice at the earliest opportunity.
He has a high public profile due to his tireless efforts to ensure access to Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) for all Australians, as a vocal patient advocate and senior medical academic training practitioners of the future.
MB BS FRCOG FRANZCOG CREI Supportive and responsive, from day one to delivery
Infertility & IVF / PCOS / Recurrent Miscarriage
A leader in the field, Professor Chapman AM is a keen and well-reputed patient advocate.
The IVF journey can be a real roller coaster ride for couples. Having a reliable source of information and professional medical advice can be extremely valuable on this journey.
Based on worldwide data, we know that any of the vaccines reduces your risk of catching Covid and, more importantly if you do catch it, it reduces the risk of serious illness to you and your baby when you conceive.
Don’t be put off by scare stories about blood clots or heart problems. These risks are around 1 in a million and no worse in pregnant women. Compare this with the odds of dying as a plane passenger 1 in 188,364, or 1 in 1,117 for drowning and 1 in 103 for a motor vehicle crash.
Our Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists recommends the vaccination for women planning a pregnancy or already pregnant at any stage in their pregnancy because the risk of severe outcomes from COVID-19 is significantly higher for pregnant women and their unborn baby.
Women who are trying to become pregnant do not need to delay vaccination or avoid becoming pregnant after vaccination.
So the experts say DO IT! I support that view. Discuss this with your healthcare professional today.
Sperm quality plays a crucial role in natural conception and IVF success—but how do we measure it, and what factors impact it? In this ep…
In this episode, Professor Chapman breaks down the science behind egg quality, the limitations of current treatments, and why egg freezing …
In this episode, Prof Chapman breaks down what egg quality truly means, why it declines with age, and how it affects fertility rates. Learn…
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